March 22, 2008

Witnessing to the Resurrection

In the Gospel tonight, we hear the story of the women at the tomb, who are not afraid to bear witness to the risen Jesus. They come in search of Jesus crucified, but he is no where to be found. Encouraged by the angel, they show their faith in the message of the resurrection, seeking out the disciples. On their way, Jesus honors their commitment to this message, revealing himself to them, and they recognize him instantly with an embrace.

As we move forward into the Easter season, how do we witness to the resurrection? Perhaps we can show our own commitment to the message of Jesus in our work for justice and peace, in building up the Kingdom of God. By honoring the same homeless folks whose struggles are increasingly criminalized with a conversation or a meal. By continuing to call for an end to this unjust war. And by organizing for justice for women and oppressed men in our church and in our world.

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